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<% 'Declaring Variables Dim smtpserver,youremail,yourpassword,firstname,ContactUs_Email,address,country,s_tate,pincode,phone,mobile,emailid,location,years,role,salary,qualification,jobtype,key,area_experience,sub_experience Dim ContactUs_Subject,ContactUs_Body,Action,IsError ' Edit these 3 values accordingly.. leave the smtp server alone as it is set for Gmail smtpserver = "smtp.gmail.com" youremail = "tatiainfo@gmail.com" yourpassword = "tatiainfo2009" ' Grabbing variables from the form post ContactUs_Name = Request.Form("ContactUs_Name") address = Request.Form("address") country =Request.Form("country") s_tate=Request.Form("s_tate") pincode=Request.Form("pincode") phone=Request.Form("phone") mobile=Request.Form("mobile") emailid=Request.Form("emailid") location=Request.Form("location") years=Request.Form("years") role=Request.Form("role") salary=Request.Form("salary") qualification=Request.Form("qualification") jobtype=Request.Form("jobtype") key=Request.Form("key") area_experience=Request.Form("area_experience") sbu_experience=Request.Form("sbu_experience") Action = Request("Action") ' Used to check that the email entered is in a valid format Function IsValidEmail(Email) Dim ValidFlag,BadFlag,atCount,atLoop,SpecialFlag,UserName,DomainName,atChr,tAry1 ValidFlag = False If (Email <> "") And (InStr(1, Email, "@") > 0) And (InStr(1, Email, ".") > 0) Then atCount = 0 SpecialFlag = False For atLoop = 1 To Len(Email) atChr = Mid(Email, atLoop, 1) If atChr = "@" Then atCount = atCount + 1 If (atChr >= Chr(32)) And (atChr <= Chr(44)) Then SpecialFlag = True If (atChr = Chr(47)) Or (atChr = Chr(96)) Or (atChr >= Chr(123)) Then SpecialFlag = True If (atChr >= Chr(58)) And (atChr <= Chr(63)) Then SpecialFlag = True If (atChr >= Chr(91)) And (atChr <= Chr(94)) Then SpecialFlag = True Next If (atCount = 1) And (SpecialFlag = False) Then BadFlag = False tAry1 = Split(Email, "@") UserName = tAry1(0) DomainName = tAry1(1) If (UserName = "") Or (DomainName = "") Then BadFlag = True If Mid(DomainName, 1, 1) = "." then BadFlag = True If Mid(DomainName, Len(DomainName), 1) = "." then BadFlag = True ValidFlag = True End If End If If BadFlag = True Then ValidFlag = False IsValidEmail = ValidFlag End Function %> <% ' If there were no input errors and the action of the form is "SendEMail" we send the email off If Action = "SendEmail" Then Dim strBody ' Here we create a nice looking html body for the email strBody = strBody & "Contact Us Form submitted at " & Now() & vbCrLf & "

" strBody = strBody & "From http://" & Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_HOST") & vbCrLf & "
" strBody = strBody & "IP " & Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") & vbCrLf & "
" trBody = strBody & "country" & " : " & " " & Replace(country,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "State" & " : " & " " & Replace(s_tate,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Pincode" & " : " & " " & Replace(pincode,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Residence Phone" & " : " & " " & Replace(phone,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Mobile Number" & " : " & " " & Replace(mobile,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Email Id" & " : " & " " & Replace(emailid,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Current Location" & " : " & " " & Replace(location,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Total Experience(in years)" & " : " & " " & Replace(years,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Current Salary" & " : " & " " & Replace(salary,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Qualification" & " : " & " " & Replace(qualification,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Job Type" & " : " & " " & Replace(jobtype,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Key Skills" & " : " & " " & Replace(key,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Area of Experience" & " : " & " " & Replace(area_experience,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "Sub Experience" & " : " & " " & Replace(sub_experience,vbCr,"
") & "
" strBody = strBody & "
" Dim ObjSendMail Set ObjSendMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") 'This section provides the configuration information for the remote SMTP server. ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 'Send the message using the network (SMTP over the network). ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = smtpserver ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 465 ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpusessl") = 1 'Use SSL for the connection ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 60 ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpauthenticate") = 1 'basic (clear-text) authentication ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") = youremail ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Item ("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") = yourpassword ObjSendMail.Configuration.Fields.Update 'End remote SMTP server configuration section== ObjSendMail.To = youremail ObjSendMail.Subject = Request.Form("ContactUs_Name") ObjSendMail.From = "jalexcse@gmail.com" ' we are sending a html email.. simply switch the comments around to send a text email instead ObjSendMail.HTMLBody =strBody 'ObjSendMail.TextBody = strBody ObjSendMail.Send Set ObjSendMail = Nothing ' change the success messages below to say or do whatever you like ' you could do a response.redirect or offer a hyperlink somewhere.. etc etc %> Your message seen below has been sent. Thank You !!. We will contact you shotly

<% =Replace(address,vbCr,"
") %>
<% Else %>
First Name      
Residence Phone
Mobile Number
Professional Details
Current Location
Total Experience(in Years)
Current Salary
Job Type
Key Skills
Area of Experience
Sub Expertise
<% End If %>